Thursday 18 August 2011


We've all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new pet... And here it is! 

That's right! Hamsters! They're so cute. They come in many colours, too. Even different kinds of fur!

I think that this was a great pet addition. They're so neat!


You're wandering in the Sarepia Forest. You here a crackle behind you. You whip around, expecting a tiger or a wolf. You look at the animal in astonishment. It's not a wolf, or a tiger! It's a....

Wow! Isn't that cool? Look at those fangs!

I have a feeling that many players are going to be getting these, and that they'll become quite popular. (Unlike the elephant, which was only used on the first day for most people) 

Be sure to adopt one when you can!


Also, there's some new features!

First, you can now change furniture colour! (Finally! I've been waiting.)

I can't wait to go back to my den and change some things ;)

And while I'm on the furniture topic, there's two new items!

Regular Coffee Table (Nonmembers)


Sectional Sofa (Members only)

Once I get enough gems (I spent all of them on hamsters) I'm going to buy that coffee table!


  1. Wow! Crocs :D Wish I was premium. Oh wel.

  2. Yeah, lol. They always make new animals non premium after a while anyway. Thats's whats's great about animal jam!

  3. I wis non members culd send gifts :(
